Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) in Innovation and Sustainability
Funded by EU Erasmus + Strategic Partnership, the PERISCOPE project aims to prepare students in acquiring Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) competencies towards innovation and sustainability. This MOOC course is to allow participants to identify, assess, apply, and integrate existing scientific knowledge to analyze problems and design solutions in the domain of innovation sourcing and to challenge contemporary business models and evaluate supply chain practices in sustainability.
Master Students in Purchasing and Supply Management programs.
Educators responsible for Master programs related to Purchasing, Innovation and Sustainability.
Teachers and trainers, teaching PSM in innovation and/or sustainability.
Practitioners and professional associations.
Anyone interested on the topic.
This MOOC is publicly available for anybody who is interested to acquire PSM competencies towards innovation and sustainability. However, for people that have not any knowledge on PSM, it strongly suggests enrolling first into the MOOC on PSM fundamentals developed by the previous Erasmus+ strategic partnership project PERFECT (www.project-perfect.eu ) to acquire basic PSM skills.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants should be able to:
- describe how technological innovations might affect different fields of our economy and society
- describe and evaluate Early Supplier Involvement practices and tools in New Product Development
- evaluate the main stages of purchasing’s involvement in innovation process and the tools
- discuss managerial challenges of each stage of purchasing’s involvement in technical innovation, when sourcing from start-ups is concerned
- critical reflect on global warming, as one of the planetary boundaries, and supply chain actions
- explain the sustainability risks associated with different sourcing situations and how to manage these
- understand the company in its extended business environment and stakeholder theory for implementing actions that enhance accountability, as the collaboration with stakeholders
- describe different circular supply chain strategies and apply them to specific company contexts

This MOOC offers three set of main modules focus on Purchasing in Innovation (MPI), Sustainable Purchasing (MSP) and Purchasing in Innovation and Sustainability (MISP).
In addition to the MOOC, PERISCOPE team designed learning materials for teachers and trainers, such as train to trainer guidelines video, case study instructions and role-plays descriptions. Those learning materials may support teachers in transferring soft skills that can only be developed in class, for example, creativity, strategic thinking and critical thinking. Resources for educators are available upon request.
Educators can integrate the online module that fit with their PSM master programs into teaching, e.g., as a part of lectures. Each module provides free, online, and interactive short videos, quizzes and other innovative learning materials that can be used for stimulating curiosity and critical thinking on the discover of these new topics or, for facilitating group discussion in class.
Supported by
The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2019-1-FR01-KA203-062990