The PERISCOPE team received the IPSERA 2021 Best Paper Award

At the 2021 IPSERA (International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association) conference followed by 319 participants, the competitive paper « Purchasing in the area of Innovation and Sustainability: A study into Current and Future Competences” was selected for the “best paper award”.
Presented by Volken KOCH, Klaas STEK, and Katia PICAUD-BELLO professor at ESSCA, the paper focuses on the first intellectual output of the PERISCOPE project: “Identify current and new skills for purchasing and supply management (PSM) in terms of innovation and sustainable development”.
The authors combine the results obtained in the project Erasmus + PERFECT (2015-2018) and the current project PERISCOPE to address current “as-is” and “to-be” competencies. The award-winning paper was built upon the PERFECT-survey outcomes (stepwise regressions and necessary condition analysis) and the PERISCOPE World Café event outcomes (empirical approach). This event organized by ESSCA in June 2020 enabled research and professionals to discuss together the future skills of purchasing professionals in terms of innovation and sustainability.
The jury particularly appreciated the educational proposal of both Erasmus + projects focus on the competencies and skills of purchasing and supply management in terms of innovation and sustainable development.
The continuation of the PERISCOPE project will call upon professionals and experts in sustainability and innovation to continue the mapping of future skills, as part of a Delphi studies project. The results of Delphi studies will be presented at the multiplier event organized by Copenhagen Business School in May 2021.
Source : https://www.essca.fr/en/the-periscope-team-received-the-ipsera-2021-best-paper-award