

The development of the PERISCOPE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is part of the five Intellectual Outputs (IO5) for Project PERISCOPE (Purchasing Education and Research with an Innovative Sustainability Scope). Funded by the EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership, Project PERISCOPE aims to aid students in acquiring future Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) competencies in innovation and sustainability.

This MOOC offers three sets of main modules focusing on Purchasing in Innovation (MPI), Sustainable Purchasing (MSP), and conclusion modules focus on Purchasing in Innovation and Sustainability (MISP). Each module provides free, online, and interactive short videos along with quizzes and other innovative learning materials which can be used to stimulate curiosity and critical thinking via the discovery of these new topics or to facilitate group discussion in class.

By proposing three separate modules, educators can integrate one or two modules that fits with their PSM master’s programs into their teaching, e.g., as part of lectures. Educators might use
the PERISCOPE MOOC as a guide to introduce innovation and sustainability-related topics in their PSM courses or curriculum. They are encouraged to apply all our findings and materials. However, they do not have to copy-paste the complete didactical set of learning materials.

The PERISCOPE outcomes can be used as an inspiration and as what we call a “cafeteria” model. Customers can choose their food and beverage from a display behind the counter in cafeterias. One can choose from multiple dishes and drinks—the same counts for the PERISCOPE project. Educators can freely choose which parts they would like to introduce to their students.

Master’s students, or anybody who is interested in gaining insights into the role of PSM in sustainability and innovation, can also follow the course independently in a self-learning mode. For users which follow the course in a self-learning mode, are urged to first enroll first in the MOOC on PSM fundamentals- developed by the previous Erasmus+ strategic partnership called Project PERFECT ( to acquire basic PSM skills.

Download the IO5 white paper here